This is an abridged version of my CV. A full CV can be downloaded here
ORCID ID 0000-0001-8558-2262
An experienced educational leader with a background in teaching and learning, medical education, teacher training, professional recognition (Higher Education Academy (HEA)/Advance HE (AHE)) and staff development in national and international contexts. Leads on national and international academic networks for supporting teaching and learning. Supportive leadership and teaching style via coaching to ensure staff and students develop to their full potential and are empowered to contribute. Strong management, organisational and planning skills, supported by excellent communication skills. Identifiesbusiness opportunities and makes strategic plans to translate the vision into reality. Nationaland international experience gained within complex environments, changing markets, exchange rates and substantial competition with interests in staff development, quality, student experience and communication skills.
PhD Education/Medical Education, University of Bolton, 2014
PG Cert Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, University of Liverpool, 2011
PGCE Post Compulsory Education and Training, University of Huddersfield, 2010
Diploma of Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector - ESOL, Trinity College London, 2009
Cert TESOL, Trinity College London, 2009
Teaching Training, Callan English London, 2001
BSc (Hons) Psychology with International Relations, Staffordshire University, 2000
Professional Qualifications/Memberships
National Teaching Fellow 2019 ( 1st person to gain whilst employed at University of Bolton)
Principal Fellow Higher Education Academy (PFHEA - D4), 2017 (1st person to gain at University of Bolton)
Research Degree Supervision, University of Bolton, 2016
UKPSF Assessor and Mentor (D1-4), 2015
Clinical Leadership Programme, Salford Royal Foundation NHS Trust, 2014
Social Work Practice Educator, University of Manchester, 2011
Fellow of Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors (FCIEA), member since 2011
PGCE Mentor and Assessor, University of Bolton, 2010
Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status, 2010
Fellow of the Society for Education and Training (FSET), 2009
Member of the British Psychological Society (MBPsS), 2000
Current Role
University of Bolton
Associate Teaching Professor (Reader equivalent) and Academic Lead (Head) - Education Department
Operational Lead for Education Department including all taught undergraduate and postgraduate provision (excluding initial teacher education) and postgraduate research provision.
Programme leader for PGCert Higher and Professional Education (HEA Accredited Route) and co-lead for professional recognition across the University and collaborative partners
Faculty lead for operationalizing Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy
Institutional lead for TIRI Teaching Awards and NTF support (Created and implemented strategy)
PhD Supervisor/Examiner/Independent Chair (See below for details of completions/current supervision teams)
Internal validation chair and panel member
Faculty Lead for Research Strategy and Research Cluster Lead –‘Teaching Quality’
Institutional Lead for PebblePad Pilot and Integration
Board Member – External representative for Faculty of Health
Previous Roles
See full CV or LinkedIn for full details
PhD Completions
Dr Trish Houghton CompletedMay 2017. Changing the direction of nurse education: The development and implementation of the first non-commissioned BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) Programme in England. (Dr Houghton is the Head of Nursing at the University of Bolton)
Dr Jane Howarth Completed April 2018‘Making a difference: to professional health education through leadership and collaborative working. (Dr Howarth is the Dean of Faculty of Health and Wellbeing at the University of Bolton)
Dr Diedon Dorambari – CompletedDecember 2018– Exploring Instructional Humour Processing in Cognitive Affective Learning with Multimedia (IHCALM)
Dr Martin Isherwood – CompletedJanuary 2019 – Supporting Songwriting Practice within the small-scale, independent popular music and Higher Education sectors' (Dr Isherwood is the Head of Music at LIPA)
Dr Brian Smith – CompletedApril 2019 – Mode Neutral Pedagogy:Development, research and Praxis in Higher and Professional Education (Has been appointed Director of Academic Enhancement at the University of Law)
See full CV for full details of outputs or the Outputs page for an overview
Cross,D, & Hinrichsen, J. (2019) – Onboarding Grant for Institutional Contacts Network. Advance HE £500
Cross,D,& Hussain, A., (2019) Ada Chatbot- Supporting transitions from Bolton College to the University of Bolton though the use of ADA STRIVE Awards £4000.000
Brown, C, Kannagara, C,and Cross D. (2019) The Cavell Project: Exploring the relationship between staff engagement and key performance in the NHS. Jenkinson Awards £2060.00
Cross, D & Prescott J (2016). Student-Led Technology Enhanced Learning. HEFCE Catalyst FundInnovations in Teaching and Learning Fund £68,000 (matched funding)
Telfer, S, Cross, D, Hopkins, D, Waugh, G.(2016) Education and Training Foundation 2016 £300,000
McIntosh, E & Cross, D (2016). Student Engagement and Transitions Jenkinson Awards £5,000
Cross, D & Keaney M (2014), Technology in training Refugee Healthcare Professionals Health Education North West Innovation Funding £50,000
Cross, D (2012) Safe and Effective Clinical Communication (SECC); A skills training course for international medical graduates Henry Richardson Award £1,000